Our 5 Year Strategy

This strategy balances our ambition to tackle a widespread and important issue with realism about how fast we can change and grow. This strategy does not represent the limit of our ambition, and should we achieve more funding than we plan for here, we stand ready to grow faster. However, we are also mindful of the risks to this plan and will monitor them diligently.

ARC has developed this plan with pro bono support from Oliver Wyman, a leading strategy consulting firm, through its Social Impact programme. During this process, ARC drew on input from 22 interviews with external stakeholders (including funders, sector experts, market managers, Local Authorities, Children’s Centres and beneficiaries). The approach was led by Oliver Wyman and supported by a working group comprised of three ARC Trustees and the Chief Executive. This strategy was refined by the Board of Trustees during their Board Away Day and subsequently adopted at the July 2019 Board Meeting. We are confident that this process enabled us to test our vision and create a resilient, feasible, ambitious 5 year strategy.

ARC is grateful for the support of all those who gave their time and input into developing this work. ARC would particularly like to thank the whole team at Oliver Wyman for their time, professionalism and expertise.

You can download a copy of the strategy below:

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Alexandra Rose Charity is a charity registered in England and Wales (211535) and a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC052479.
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